The client, Hannah Bazaar required a website on the Shopify platform to allow them to scale and eventually sell internationally. They are dedicated to helping their customers find the perfect accessories to suit their personal style. They say their “goal is to create beautiful products with a modern vibe and incorporate practicality and affordability. We thought long and hard about how we could achieve this and bring our products to our customers. We wanted to create bags that look good, feel good and wear well.” We customised their website using a Shopify theme with custom code, giving them the perfect look for their handbag business.
Hannah Bazaar is an independent boutique handbag company from the North of England. They are a team which work directly with their manufacturers, ensuring every design is perfect for production. They design and develop each of their designs, from start to finish. They carry out thorough quality checks before stocking their items onto the Shopify site.
We took inspiration from Hannah Bazaar itself and communicated with them in order to perfect the site. We also used a wide variety of their images taken intentionally for the new site build, this worked seamlessly with the design of the theme. We inputted each and every product onto their site, personalising the theme to cater for their requirements.
Visit the Hannah Bazaar website, here.